Reflecting Inward: Embracing Inner Love and Growth Amidst Seasonal Blues
Apr 22, 2024
I always feel a bit more introspective towards this time of year, feel the call to start looking inward and reflecting on life.
It can be a time to give and receive love, connection, and decompress from the year. A time for some to be with family, to celebrate how far they have come.
It isn’t always an easy time for a lot of people. Some people are more aware of the lack of love, connection, or accomplishment that they had hoped to have this year. Maybe even aware of the loss and the pains of their existence.
Yet there are those who are surrounded by loved ones, gifts, and accomplishments that still feel the blues pretty intensely this time of year too.
So I find it important to remember that no matter who is by your side, what you have or haven’t done this year, or what losses you have suffered, you as a being, are inherently and always okay.
You are love, as a vibrational state. Independent of whom you can give or receive that love from, it is only an excuse for it to be there, the actual love is within, always available to shine brightly, healing those pains and heartbreaks we experience along the way.
Even if the world outside you doesn’t provide the feedback, validation, and support you are hoping for right now, you can look within and recognize how far you have come in your personal journey, growth, and evolution this year.
You can direct that love towards yourself, be gentle, and be grateful for the gift of your own awareness. For it is the greatest gift anyone has to offer anyway.
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